Cool. Library discussion about how to creatively teach library instruction! Nedra Peterson from Woodbury College library presented a highly entertaining discussion about how to use film clips, music etc to teach information literacy. She did an excellent job of presenting how to attach student's affective learning to library instruction. Arguing basically that if we can attach emotional responses to their learning they will retain it more. Thus, she uses pop-culture materials in class.
She also explain that all of her instruction is guided by the ACRL standards:
For ACRL tow standard one:
Clip from "High Fidelity" . . .arranging his record collection alphabetically and how it will be useful with others might use it. Relate this to libraries and how information is organized in libraries.
ACRL Standard Two: Selecting appropriate methods and search strategies
The movie "The Ring" (elicits horror). Heroine Rachel has her hands on a video tape 7 days and you die part. 7 days and your paper is due. laughter. Rachel then goes to do research about lighthouses in the library.
ACRL Standard Four: as a member of a group .. . .(School of Rock example)
Buffy the vamipire slaye "I robot Jane"
Green Day "One nation controlled by the media"
Someone in the audience suggested a "30 Rock" episode where they discuss about wikipedia
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