Friday, January 20, 2017

1/100 Poem A Day During the New Presidency: Inauguration Day

Going off on the suggestion of Erin Dorey (@edorney) to commit to writing a poem a day for the first 100 days of the new presidency.

Inauguration Day
Roll out the carpets
Sound out the trumpets
Decorate the walls;
Our time calls to the
Podiums of history,
To the balconies of freedom.

We’ll take many walks,
Double-stepping marches;
Lifting our fists
Raising our voices
Stopping the gears
Shutting off power
Stopping the traffic
Sand in the wheels
To halt the worst.

We’ve not been chosen
But chose to lead;
Drawn from the beaches
Where bodies float
And crash against
The cold shore;
Knees rise
Balances regained
The struggle

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